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Hey, glad to see you drop by!

Now that I convinced you to visit the "About" page, let me introduce (and a little bit brag) about myself!



My name's Attila Kiraly, and I'm an artist living in Vienna since 2016, the capital of Austria, and Baroque jewel of Europe. "Officially" a 3D generalist, but at same time an all-around digital "craftsman" who loves to bring the best of all worlds, whether it would be static image or video, painting or 3D, polygons or light through camera lens.



My journey spans across borders. Born in the sister city of Vienna: Budapest, my passion for art already began to rise when I was in kindergarden. Which is no surprise, because artistic talent has always been the DNA of my family. From my grandmother to my mother, aunt, uncle, and cousins, everybody knew how to draw and paint, and paint really well. And I started to carry this on by nature. I drew a lot! My mom couldn't keep up with sorting out my drawings. But at the same time I always had this gut feeling, that there was much more to this. Especially when I slowly began to discover the blend between art, and the world of movies and animations. The biggest impact in my life was when I first saw Jurassic Park, and Star Wars. They completely blew my mind. They inspired me, and drove my artistic passion to a point where I was at the top of my art class, even began to participate in competitions. I was an unstoppable nerd, even bullied in school for it (which was a good excuse to be bullied in general, but anyway...). I started to dive deeper into the world of filmmaking.

Bus Drawing

New door of opportunities opened when I moved to the U.K. with my parents in 2003. When I entered a small local college for a year, my first taste in professional art career was when I participated in a work-experience program, and worked for a small local graphic design studio for a week. This is where they first introduced me to the Mac OS, and my first project was a logo for a window company. But it was a troublesome college year because I was 15 (you can imagine...), and the difficulty in adapting to the new environment, and language impacted my focus in building my art skills.

Then in 2004 we moved to Pembroke Dock in Wales. There I entered First Diploma in Art and Design at Pembrokeshire College, where we started to explore art history, fundamentals, little bit of photography, and hand-crafting. I had my first college art exhibition with a 40 (!!) kg clay futuristic bird inspired by 2002 docufiction TV series "The Future is Wild".

Followed by National Diploma in Computers and Design in 2005, this is where I tried out my first 3D software (3Ds Max), as well as drawing using digital tablets. My first ever quazi 3D "creation" was a pyramid (a viewport screenshot of it). But focus was on graphic design, at least in the first year, because due to moving again, I dropped out of the second year.

Fantasy Bird Friend Old Vector

After relocating to Portsmouth in 2007, I enrolled in BA Animation at University of Portsmouth. This is where I truly started to explore the realm of 3D animation, and how to combine art into filmmaking. This was my world, this is where I truly felt like myself, where I can explore my potentials. We studied the entire production pipeline from art, storyboarding, design development, R&D, through modelling, rigging, lighting, animation, and render, to compositing, and post-production. Screenshotted pyramid evolved into a 3D low-poly cathedral model at the start of the first year, that further evolved into a complete animated short at the end of our second year. This is where I also started to dive deeper into digital painting/illustrations.

My 3D skills between 2007 and 2010:

Cathedral Train station

Then I graduated in summer 2010:




With my creative finger prints all across the globe, throughout the years I have created works for both private, and commercial industries, from start-ups to established global businesses. Sectors include (but not limited to) IT, product design, game development, and advertisement. I was even honoured, and lucky (but I would most specifically say Lucky) to work on projects under licenses of studio giants such as Walt Disney, and Universal. Something I never imagined during my childhood. My finger print is even permanently left on toy products, such as a graphic on the surface of a toy quad.



Simple: Endlessly learning, exploring new tools, and art styles. Even with years of experiences, I feel like I still barely even scratched the surface. Art and technology is in continuous state of evolution, so I work hard to keep myself at the forefront in the competitive field.



Throughout time I have been migrating between 3D softwares, for years during- and after university my primary tool was 3ds Max, but now I work with Maya, as well as exploring Blender, and other tools such as Nvidia Omniverse.



Now if I didn't bore you to hell by the time you reached this sentence, all I can say is thank you for taking the time to briefly get to know me, and keep an eye out, as more ambitious projects are to come! The journey continues! Side note: If you would like me to collaborate in bringing your visions to life as well, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Until then, wishing you all the Best! And have some donuts. :)

